Friday, June 7, 2013

"Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, And live every day as if it were your last"

Something that every single westerner should experience at least once in their life, is going to a nightclub in China. I'm serious. My friends and I weren't in there 10 minutes, when one of my friends leans over and says to me, "You're about to get mobbed." Mobbed? And then it starts to happen. iPhones start coming out of pockets, simultaneous smartphone flashes go off from every direction, the mobbing has officially begun. My friend was right. Men and women alike, all pushing each other in an attempt to get their money shot with 'the foreigner.' One woman came up to me and gave me a hug and a couple of kisses on the cheek. Peace signs were thrown up in complete candor, every face wore a smile and the music was deafening. A little bit later one of the other foreign teachers ( a guy from the Dallas, Texas area) returns to our group after having been in the restroom. Apparently, as he was relieving himself at a urinal a Chinese bathroom attendant walked up behind him and proceeded to give him a shoulder massage as he urinated. Nothing queer, just a restroom attendant getting the rare chance to share some hospitality with a foreigner. Back at the bar, my friends and I realize that the most economical way for all of us to enjoy ourselves without breaking our banks is to order a bottle of Jack and split it 5 ways. Before long our bottle is empty and we have all made our way to the dance floor. Junior high dance moves started coming out. I'm pretty sure that every Chinese person on that dance floor is now capable of doing both the kid 'n play and the fish hook. Laughter accompanied by effortless smiles, mitigated any cultural barrier that might have existed. I felt alive.


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