Saturday, October 17, 2015

Forethought, hindsight, and the normalcy of nowadays...

Considering this is my China blog and I am no longer in China
 should refrain from writing in it. I should start a new blog, perhaps. But then I say screw it, because I realize that I'm probably the only person who'd notice or care. That being said, I've decided that this will be the official home for all of my current and future journal entries. People keep encouraging me to write, and I want to, but its difficult (for me) to create when not living in the midst of some outlandish adventure, or in a 3rd world country. I thrive on challenge. I suppose its inspiration that I feel I might be lacking. For the first time in my life I am grounded. I am not a gypsy living out of a suitcase and fleeting from one city/state/country to another. This is good...and terrifying. With my wanderlust stymied, I am finding that this different and 'normal' lifestyle I'm living is actually an adventure in and of itself. I'm amazed at the capriciousness of life. How unaware we truly are of the ebb and flow in our lives. And how blind we are to the reverence of it all. Routine, is foreign to me. Knowing that I'm not leaving the city I'm living in, is foreign to me. I have found my place, for now, but thoughts of visiting foreign lands remain ubiquitous in my mind. Knowing that I will travel again, but not knowing where or when, is enough to keep my wanderlust at bay.  Although it feels as though I'm closing a chapter in my life, intuition tells me that the book has yet to be written.

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."

"Nearly all our originality comes from the stamp that time impresses upon our sensibility."    Charles Baudelaire

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."    Henry David Thoreau

"A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free."     Nikos Kazantzakis

"What seems to us bitter trials are often blessings in disguise."
Oscar Wilde 

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."    Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."    Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The most exhausting thing in life, I have discovered, is being insincere. That is why so much of social life is exhausting; one is wearing a mask. I have shed my mask.”    Anne Morrow Lindbergh

~Gunnar Shroyer, RIP